Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Saleswoman of the Year!

Monday, October 29, 2018

What A Cute Couple

Sunday, October 28, 2018

It's Super(Wo)man!

November Newsletter Is Out

Hi Everybody!

The November Newsletter has gone out. It should be in your inbox right now. If it's not there, then check your spam filter/junk mail.

If it's not there, then drop me an email (annmichelle@ymail.com) and I'll make sure that you're on the mailing list.

For those who haven't signed up yet, you can sign up here:

It will send you a confirmation email, so please watch for that to make sure the signup worked (it can take a couple hours, but it will come). Again, if you don't get it, check your junk email and then contact me.


Saturday, October 27, 2018

His First Film is "Arise"

Friday, October 26, 2018

Wish I Had Some Right Now!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Sounds Like My Weekend


Hi Everybody!

I wanted to let you know I've cracked the code on paperbacks at Amazon and I will start uploading those again, as promised. One is already up: Dress Coded. You can buy that here: Amazon Kindle.

These are a good deal of work to convert, so they will take time, but I'm hoping to catch up all of the missing ones in the next month or two. So be on the look out for those if you like paperbacks.

As an aside, the prices will be going up a dollar because Amazon has higher printing costs than CreateSpace did. Sorry about that, but it can't be helped. It's still cheap though as books go.

Thanks for reading!

Ann :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Monday, October 22, 2018

Good Luck Explaining This!

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Quality Lipstick!

Friday, October 19, 2018

And So It Begins For Dave

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

No Escape, Boys!

A Question: Personalized Stories

Hi Everybody!

I have an odd question for all of you. I've recently gotten an interesting request. A reader of my books asked if I would be willing to write his story if he paid me a fee to do so. I've never really thought of this before, but it got me wondering. Would other people be interested in this?

Now to be clear, it wouldn't be cheap because I write for a living. The story would need to fit with the types of things I normally do, though some stretching could be done. And I would retain all the rights, including the right to publish it, change it in any way I thought would be needed to publish it, the royalties, and the such. (If I didn't do that, then the price would be unaffordable.) But considering all that, would any of you be interested in something like that?

Alternatively, I've been debating if people would be interested in personalized copies of books where I could change the names to include names they like and maybe make a few other changes to details here and there. This would be a lot cheaper, maybe $25 or something. Would that interest anyone?

This is all just thinking out loud at the moment, but I am curious to hear from people who would be interested. You can contact me here: annmichelle@ymail.com

Thanks for your thoughts!

Ann :)

It's The Future?

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

I Love The Smiles

Monday, October 15, 2018

No, He Won't

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Obey Your Girlfriend

Saturday, October 13, 2018

New Book: The House on Femford Hill

Just in time for Halloween... a new book for you!

The House on Femford Hill

Would you stay in a haunted house? What if the house was known for turning men into women? Professor Eric Meyer plans to stay. Meyer studies the strange, the supernatural, and the paranormal, and can’t wait to investigate the famed Femford House, which is rumored to turn those who stay overnight into women. Could this be true? Professor Meyer intends to find out.

Includes, as a bonus, a re-edited version of Crystal Summers' Night At Sissy Manor!

For Mature Audiences Only. Written by Crystal and Ann, this 38,500 word two-story collection includes female domination, forced feminization, power exchange, gender transformation, partial gender transformation, spanking, small size humiliation, erotic humiliation, and so much more!

Here is where you can buy it: Amazon Kindle

I hope you all enjoy it! Please leave a review if you can!

Yes, It Did!

Friday, October 12, 2018

Surprise: New Captions!!

Hi Everybody!

I've sent out a surprise to everyone on the Newsletter mailing list... three brand new captions. I was inspired. So please check your email. If you don't see it, check your spam filter/junk mail.

If it's not there, then drop me an email (annmichelle@ymail.com) and I'll make sure that you're on the mailing list.

For those who haven't signed up yet, you can sign up here:

It will send you a confirmation email, so please watch for that to make sure the signup worked (it can take a couple hours, but it will come). Again, if you don't get it, check your junk email and then contact me.

Ann :)


Thursday, October 11, 2018

She'll Be Glad To Help

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

This Could Be A While

Tuesday, October 09, 2018


But At Least He's Buying Better Things

Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Hand Me Downs

New Book: My Lactating Husband (Part Two)

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a new book for you!

My Lacating Husband (Part Two)

Things are really headed in the wrong direction now for Andrew. Not only can he no longer hide the “growths” on his chest, but now he needs to report to work as a secretary... dressed as a woman. Even worse, his new boss is not exactly the nicest woman. How bad can she be though? Andrew is about to find out. Hopefully, he can remember the things his wife taught him about being a woman.

This is Part Two of Two.

For Mature Audiences Only. This 27,500 word volume includes female domination, forced feminization, power exchange, cross-dressing, hormones, breast growth, lactation, paddling, erotic humiliation, and so much more!

Here is where you can buy it: Amazon Kindle

I hope you all enjoy it! Please leave a review if you can!

October Newsletter Has Gone Out

Hi Everybody!

The October Newsletter has gone out. It should be in your inbox right now. If it's not there, then check your spam filter/junk mail.

If it's not there, then drop me an email (annmichelle@ymail.com) and I'll make sure that you're on the mailing list.

For those who haven't signed up yet, you can sign up here:

It will send you a confirmation email, so please watch for that to make sure the signup worked (it can take a couple hours, but it will come). Again, if you don't get it, check your junk email and then contact me.

This month's newsletter includes an interview with Crystal Summers, four never-seen-before captions (including a secret one), our first poll, and writing tips from me! I hope you all enjoy it!


P.S.  If you have suggestions for the newletter, I'd love to hear them.  I want this newsletter to become something people hate to miss. So please tell me what would make you read it every month! :)