I love heels and hate driving. Sounds like a win-win for me. :)
My wife has made me drive in heels several times.
My Wife always drives us now here... ~sara
Always love your brevity Ann!
Thanks Dee!
But OH in the name of WOMANPOWER ---the number of times She's taken him FACE-DOWN ON THE BACK SEAT GOES BEYOND MEASURE!!!
Once I was driving on a long trip and my wife always drives , but she got tried and ask me to drive . It was SO totally embarrassing when I was stopped by Highway Patrol and had to show my license to a female Highway Patrol Officier .
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I love heels and hate driving. Sounds like a win-win for me. :)
My wife has made me drive in heels several times.
My Wife always drives us now here... ~sara
Always love your brevity Ann!
Thanks Dee!
But OH in the name of WOMANPOWER ---the number of times She's taken him FACE-DOWN ON THE BACK SEAT GOES BEYOND MEASURE!!!
Once I was driving on a long trip and my wife always drives , but she got tried and ask me to drive . It was SO totally embarrassing when I was stopped by Highway Patrol and had to show my license to a female Highway Patrol Officier .
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