Saturday, July 27, 2019

It's Like A Dream Come True!


Mrs. K said...

All of them!!!! Certainly a small percentage will become the genital- free Ken for everyone's amusement!!!!

Richard Larkin said...

Every Embryo is female. During the third month of gestation, it develops into a sexually differentiated Fetus.

Subsequent Male gendering - in the womb, and life itself - is random, arbitrary, variable. Incomplete.

Which explains the plethora of feminine Sexually Submissive Sissies. Like me.

Modern biotechnology, genetic engineering, hormones, and other procedures.

It's possible - even desirable - to Transform hulking hairy men into buxom voluptuous beauties.

But retaining their genitals.

Anonymous said...

I got a feeling that some states are actually doing this.