husband: "...well 'no'... you see it's more really an idea She had brought..."
WIFE: "SANDRA! YOU KNOW I DECIDED THIS LONG AGO... I did not bring you here for your archaic male opinion... you are here ONLY to make it legal... Hand HER the release, Ms DeManning..."
husband: "...well 'no'... you see it's more really an idea She had brought..."
WIFE: "SANDRA! YOU KNOW I DECIDED THIS LONG AGO... I did not bring you here for your archaic male opinion... you are here ONLY to make it legal... Hand HER the release, Ms DeManning..."
I'll sign, I'll sign!!!! Zoe
If I was (were?) younger, I'd sign - and sigh - with unalloyed Pleasure.
Love your books. Buy them all. Submissively, Rich Lara
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