Monday, February 20, 2023

New Book: Some Side Effects May Occur, Part One (Blue Label Version)

Ladies and gentlemen... the Blue Label version of Some Side Effects May Occur is coming! Part One is here.
Frank is an impulsive guy. One day, he learns about an experimental shot that is supposed to give him an extra inch down in the, uh, manhood department. Frank’s wife Martha is a doctor who knows that anything making that kind of promise is probably not going to be safe. She absolutely forbids him to do it. But Frank, well, Frank does it anyways. Soon the changes start... but they aren’t the changes Frank expected. Frank’s wife is not amused. This is the story of how Frank grew an inch, but lost his manhood in the process.

This is the first part in the Blue Label Edition of this series.

For Mature Audiences Only. This 31,556 word story includes hormones, breast growth, female domination, power exchange, denial and so much more.

Here is where you can buy it: Amazon Kindle

About the Blue Label Editions

Unlike my red-cover books, Blue Label Editions are stories that involve a strong dose of male-to-male contact. To make these stories easier to find, I’m publishing them with blue labels on the cover and the Blue Label designation.

A word...

This is the first of the Blue Label versions of this series. I expect this will still be a four part series even though they will contain more; so they will generally be longer. That said, Part One is fairly similar to the red-label Part One. So if you have that, you might want to skip this one. I don't think you'll regret buying it as it has some nice foreshadowing in it, but you can go without. Part Two will be where the changes in the story really start.

In terms of schedule, I am working hard and I hope to release Part Two this week as well. I hope to release Parts Three and Four next week. That's not firm, but that is my hope. Either way, it will be very soon. I hope you all enjoy the series!



g said...

Hi Ann Michelle, Do you have plans to ever provide printed books of the Some Side Effects May Occur series of regular and Blue versions of you Kindle books like you have in the past? I have nearly every Print versions of your books and much prefer them to the Kindle Books. A 4-part book of "Side Effects..." like the The Making of Dannielle Parts One to Three, and Part Four to Six, or Becoming Georgia Blue Label Edition book would be ideal and I would purchase them in a flash!

AnnMichelle said...

Hi g!

Thanks for the comment!

Yes. The printed versions for the red-label-series will start coming out this week and should all be out over the next two weeks. The blue label versions will come right after the blue label versions are all out.

Putting them together, unfortunately, is difficult because of the way Amazon handles paperbacks, so they will be separate.
