Saturday, April 18, 2015

My New Book: "Two Weeks As His Wife's Feminized Submissive"

As promised! The first surprise... a new book. The new book is out! Here's what it's about:

Two Weeks As His Wife’s Feminized Submissive: Paul Wallace is a powerful man. But Paul has a secret. While Paul appears to be a man in charge, his wife Amanda really holds the power. What’s more, for two weeks every year, Amanda turns Paul into Paula, her feminized, submissive plaything... and he loves it.

Here is where you can buy it:

Amazon Kindle
Amazon Paperback

The Nook version will be out in a few weeks.

I hope you all enjoy it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looking forward to reading this book! Thanks for the heads up, just confirm when it is ready!