Thursday, May 31, 2018

I'll Bet He Did

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Readers Wanted

Hi Everyone!

I posted this earlier:

If anyone's interested, I'm looking for people who would like to read and review my books. If you're interested, please send me an email so we can discuss:

The response has been tremendous.  Wow, actually.  So I'm going to cancel the request for now.  I may open it again in the future though.  In the meantime, I'd like to thank everyone who responded and I will be in touch with each of you.

Thank you all so much!

I Wouldn't Call It A Loss

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

It's Steady Work

Monday, May 28, 2018

Trust Her, John!

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Ha Ha Ha... No!

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Excellent Contribution, Ed!

Friday, May 25, 2018

New Book: Dress Coded

Ladies and Gentlemen,

A new book for you, right in time for summer! Dress Coded!!

Charlie Mitchell wants to wear shorts, but the dress code doesn’t allow it. Charlie tries it anyways, figuring that the worst the principal can do to him is send him home for the day. Boy, was he wrong! Before he knows it, Charlie finds himself stuck in skirts and dresses and worse. What will the other students think? Will this complicate his run for class president against his nemesis... Stephanie Mills?

Here is where you can buy it: Amazon Kindle

I hope you all enjoy it! Please leave a review if you can!

Also, for those who are interested, as mentioned before, I am issuing a second version of this book that emphasized male to male contact. You can buy that here: Amazon Kindle

Looks Fine To Me

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Ha ha!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Looks Like An Upgrade!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

New Blue Label Books: Male to Male Contact

Hi Everyone!

I have an exciting new announcement!

For some time now, I've gotten a lot of emails and comments asking me to include more male to male action in my stories.  In fact, there seem to be many of you who want this.  At the same time, I know that many of you don't want this.

So how do I make all of you happy?

Well, I've been thinking about it and I decided that the best way to make everyone happy would be to issue two versions of my stories.  The first version, under the normal red labels, will be stories like they've always been which will deal with male to female interaction.  There may be some threat of male contact, depending on the story, but the overall story will always been male to female.

At the same time, I will issue another version of each story that focuses more on male to male contact.  That doesn't mean there won't be male to female contact as well, depending on the story, but there will be significant or exclusive male to male contact.  These will be issued under blue labels with the words "The M/M Version".

My next story ("Dress Coded"), which I hope to publish this week, will be the first with two version.

As an aside, I will also soon announce a pink label, which will be more sentimental and less-humiliation focused stories... another big request.

Hopefully, this will make it easier for everyone to find what they like in my stories.



Great Question!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

They're Going To Look So Cute!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

What A Crazy Idea!

Monday, May 14, 2018

You Know He Did!

Sunday, May 13, 2018


Saturday, May 12, 2018

Looks Like Fun

Friday, May 11, 2018

I Like Their Sister!

Thursday, May 10, 2018


Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Hell on Heels Indeed, Hawk!

Tuesday, May 08, 2018

New Book: My Femdom Marriage, A True Story (Part Two)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Hurray! The conclusion to my true story has published!

This is the true story of how my wife took over our marriage, made me submit to her and feminized me.

This is part two of two.

Here is where you can buy it: Amazon Kindle

I hope you all enjoy it! Please leave a review if you can!

Cute Boys

Monday, May 07, 2018

I'd Join That Gang!

Sunday, May 06, 2018

Sounds Like A Hit

Saturday, May 05, 2018

Yes, He Would

Friday, May 04, 2018

This Isn't Going To End Well

Thursday, May 03, 2018

Nice Secret, Victor!