Thursday, July 30, 2015

Paying A Debt

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

My New Book: "Satin Falls" (Part One)

I've got another new book! This is part one of two, I'm hoping to have part two finished within a week! Here's what it's about:
Satin Falls is the story of a small mountain town where the males slowly lose their ability to resist any command given by the females after an unknown virus infects the water supply.

Guiding the women in how to handle this is a psychiatrist with a grudge against the masculine half of the human race. She decides to get her revenge against malekind by encouraging the women of Satin Falls to feminize their helpless males. Unfortunately, the only person who can stop her, her former female lover who is now set to marry a man who would rather be the one wearing the dress at their wedding, may not want to.

Part one of this story follows several couples as their lives change in this brave new world of silk and high heels and female domination as the men slowly sink into feminization and their chances of being rescued hang by the well-manicured fingertips of one young woman.

Here is where you can buy it:

Amazon Kindle

I hope you all enjoy it!

Oh Oh! Somebody's Waking Up!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Going The Extra Mile

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Voodoo Surprise!

Friday, July 24, 2015

The New Dress Code

Thursday, July 23, 2015

I'm Still A Guy!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Run Terry!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Craftsman Sandals

Monday, July 20, 2015

For The "Bride"

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Keep With It!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

I Love Twins!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Better Living Through Chemistry

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Personally, I Love Them

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

A Mannequin

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

What A Family Photo!

Monday, July 13, 2015

The SissyMaker Bra

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Welcome To Japan

Saturday, July 11, 2015

A Sexy Spell

Friday, July 10, 2015

He Certainly Looked Better!

Thursday, July 09, 2015

A Good Trade Off

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Nice Golf Shoes!

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Monday, July 06, 2015

She Like Her Heels

Sunday, July 05, 2015

From Daddy to Nanny

Saturday, July 04, 2015

FAQ – How To Buy My Books Discreetly

This FAQ is intended to explain the entire process of buying my books discreetly and how your confidentiality is preserved at each step. Please read it thoroughly and feel free to email me with any questions at

(1) How are these books discreet?

To help keep these books secret, I’ve done several things to offer different layers of protection to keep people from finding them, opening them, and recognizing what they are:
1. First, these books will come in a pdf format. That means they don’t look like books, they won't have a book cover that automatically appears, and your computer won’t try to read them as books. You can instead read them through the Adobe Acrobat Reader (on your computer, a tablet or even a phone) rather than a normal book reader like a Kindle or a NOOK. That means no one will stumble upon them on your reader.

2. As a pdf, you can hide them. (See below for how to do that.) To help that, I will send them with file names like AMSYS01WS rather than a book title, so they won't draw attention sitting on your computer/device. They should blend right in with all the other files.

3. Unless you request otherwise, I will password protect these files. This will prevent someone from opening them without knowing the password should they happen upon them.

4. Even if they somehow find them and get through the password, the first 28 pages of each book appear to be garbage. It begins with gibberish text as if it is a corrupted file. Then it turns into the opening of a lousy spy novel. To see the real book, they would need to keep going well into the file.
So what you have is a file that doesn’t look like a book, which you can hide on your machine or even take off the machine, which is password protected, and which looks like gibberish if it’s opened. That’s what I mean by discreet. Obviously, I can’t guarantee that no one will discover these books or find a way to open them, but if you use caution, the chances of that happening are truly minimal.

(2) How do I hide them?

Here's the key question! Once you buy the books, no doubt you will want to hide them. Here's how:
1. For maximum protection, get a USB memory stick (example). Copy a couple system directories to that stick so the stick looks full of files and directories. Copy the pdfs into the middle of those somewhere so they blend in. Then password protect the memory stick. When you want to see the books, you just stick the memory stick into the USB port and open the pdf files directly from there. That way they aren't even on your computer to be found.

For someone to find them now, they would need to find the memory stick, break through the stick's password protection, figure out that the pdf files are important, and break the password protection on those files to open them. Also, dismissing the stick is easy if someone finds it. Just tell them you found it in the parking lot at work and haven't had a chance to see what's on it yet.

Do not insert these in a work computer, however!

2. Alternatively, you can keep them in your email account as attachments to the emails and open them directly from there. If you use Hotmail, it will actually let you open the pdf in Hotmail itself in a preview panel. Yahoo does this too. I think Gmail does as well. The benefit of this is that it stays off your harddrive and it stays behind the password protection of your email account. So anyone wanting to see the pdfs would need to find your email account and get through the password protection on the account and then the password protection on the pdf. The downside is that if they do manage to get into the email, it will be obvious that the pdf documents are important as they are the only files attached to the emails. On the memory stick, you can bury them in hundreds of other files, here you can't, but this might be a better method for you, especially if you are reading them on a phone or tablet.

3. Alternatively, for more convenience but a little less protection, copy the pdf files into a directory with other files somewhere on your harddrive. Just make sure you turn off the "Recent Files" function in Adobe's Acrobat reader, as that would take someone who opened Adobe right to them. But even if that happened, they still need to get through the pdf's password protection.
Whatever method you choose, I recommend turning off Adobe Acrobat Reader's "Recent Files" function. This will prevent Adobe from telling people what files you've been opening. This way, they don't even know you've been looking at pdf files. Do that here (click to enlarge images):

(3) How will you get these books to me/How do I buy them?

Ok. Now you know how to hide them. So how do I get these to you? What is the process?
STEP ONE: You send me an email telling me which books you want. Send your email to: I don't need your name or address or any details about you. All I need is the email address and the list of books. That said, please put something like “Ann Michelle Books” in the header so I know it’s not spam.

STEP TWO: I will send a Paypal invoice to your email.

STEP THREE: You pay the invoice.

STEP FOUR: When payment is made, I will send you another email with the book(s) attached. I will also send you a second email with the password, so you can delete that email without deleting the book email. This is so you don't need to keep the password with the books. The password will be very simple to remember.
That's it! Simple. So let's look at these steps so you understand how your anonymity will be protected at each turn.

(4) Won't you know who I am from my email?

Nope. Set up an email account using a fake name at some place like Hotmail or Gmail or Yahoo and use that email to communicate with me. I will only know you by the name you choose for that email. Doing this also lets you hide the email from your spouse/kids/roommate/etc. Just make sure that you (1) sign out every time you are done with the email and (2) don't let it remember your password. You could also take the further step of deleting all the emails as you finish with them. That way, if someone got into your email account there would be nothing there to see.

(5) Why Paypal?

As I said, to pay, I will send you an invoice from Paypal. Why use Paypal? In a word, ANONYMITY.
Part One: Anonymous To Me

When you get the invoice, you can either pay it from a Paypal account or you can pay it with a credit card. You can use a store-bought pre-paid Mastercard/Visa Gift Card to do this, so I would recommend going that route. Whichever you choose is up to you. Either way, I will never know how you paid because Paypal doesn't share that information with me. Nor does it tell me your real name. I will only see your Paypal screen name/email.

There is a catch though. To activate the Mastercard/Visa Gift Card, you need to give a name and address. You then need to give the same name and address to Paypal. Some people say you can use a fake name and address so long as they are the same, but I can't say that for certain and I don't recommend that. The thing is, like I said, no matter what name you use, Paypal will not share that information with me. I will only see your Paypal screen name/email.

What I recommend is this. Go set up a Paypal account with a store-bought credit card right now. Try it out. Use Paypal to buy something that isn't embarrassing and see what happens. Go buy a $0.99 App through your new email and use Paypal to pay for it, for example. You will see that your real name doesn't come up. Once you have money in your Paypal account, you become just a screen name. When you are comfortable with that, then you are ready to buy my books!

Part Two: Anonymous To Your Family

The other reason to use Paypal is that you can do this without ever creating a financial trail for your family to stumble upon. You buy the pre-paid Mastercard/Visa Gift Card with cash. Then you use that card to handle the transaction. No record of this transaction ever appears on a credit card or bank statement shared with your family. Paypal will produce a statement, but it goes to your fake-name email, not your house. When you need more money, just get another card with cash.
That's why I chose Paypal. While you do have to give your name to Paypal and Mastercard/Visa to set up and fund the account initially, that's the end of anyone knowing who you are. After that, you use a screen name. I will never find out your real name or address. No statements will be mailed to your house. Nothing appears on your normal credit card statement. That is about as anonymous as you can get using money online these days. I will keep looking for other methods, but this one should be quite safe.

A couple final points: Again, please do not let your computer enter your Paypal password automatically. Also, some people say to avoid the re-loadable Visa/Mastercard Gift Cards because they ask for more information. Finally, Paypal does work with lots of different currencies.

(6) Where do I find a list of your books and what are the prices?

All my books are a flat $5 unless otherwise noted. So two books is $10, four books is $20, and so on. My list of available books is HERE.

(7) Can I email you for help or to discuss something?

Sure. I'll do what I can to help!

My Available Discreet Books

Here is the list of my books which are currently available discreetly. You can buy any of these. For instructions on how to buy these books, check out my How To Buy My Books Discreetly page and my FAQ on Buying Books Discreetly. Unless otherwise noted, all books are a flat $5.00 each.

Blackmailed Sissy Maid

Powerful men like Christopher Jordan need ways to unwind. For Christopher, who planned to run for governor in the next election, this meant having an internet mistress. He assumed having an online mistress was safe because of the anonymity of the net. He was wrong. Christopher would now learn a hard lesson as this mysterious mistress slowly placed him at the mercy of the women in his life.

August 2013 No. 1 Best Seller in Transgender Erotica at Amazon!

A Collection of Short Stories, Volume One: Three Tales of Halloween Magic

Sometimes, stories are better when they are short and sweet. This first volume of short stories includes three separate tales of Halloween magic:
They Messed With The Wrong Witch: Three rotten brothers learn a lesson they will never forget when they wrongly accuse a woman of being a witch.

The Magic Ring: A husband and wife argue over a magic ring only to discover that magic can be a dangerous and tricky thing. Soon they learn what happens when the shoe ends up on the other foot... and a few other things.

I Wasn’t Myself: A tale of a man who finds himself in the body of his ex-wife. That’s not the worst part though. The worst part is that his ex-wife is now in his!

Emasculating My Husband

When I married Mike, I thought I had found my fairy-tale prince. He seemed to be strong and confident and the kind of man you wanted to lead the family you hoped to build. Sadly, I soon learned that he was none of those things. Still, I did my best to be the submissive little housewife I had been taught to be. Then one day, just as I could take no more, I came upon a hormone cream that would let me change everything. Before my plans were finished, Mike would be the submissive little housewife in the four-inch heels!

June 2015 and July 2015 No. 1 Best Seller in Transgender Erotica at Amazon!

Feminized and Cuckolded

Junior Executive Brent watches as their new boss seduces and marries his friend John. Before Brent’s very eyes, she begins to feminize his friend. So why doesn’t Brent stop her? Well, it’s complicated. See, he wants her for himself. This can’t end well.

May 2017 No. 1 Best Seller in Transgender Erotica at Amazon!

Feminized By Hypnosis

Jess and his stepmother never got along, at least until she brought him a new CD. Now they get along great, and Jess and his father are changing fast. Everyone seems to be noticing the changes too, except them. Can Jess’s mother save Jess and his father from his evil stepmother? Or are they destined to become sissy maids... or worse?

Feminized Cuckold

When powerbroker Paul Jackson loses his job, he finds himself at the mercy of his trophy wife. Little by little, she feminizes Paul as she turns him from domineering husband into submissive housewife. She even invites his former best friend to move into their home, and she cuckolds him. Will this be his new life or can he escape his fate?

September 2012 No. 1 Best Seller in Transgender Erotica at Amazon!

Feminized Fiancé

When Victoria Martin built ‘The Martin Firm’ into one of the most prestigious firms in the world, she expected that her daughter Sarah would one day follow in her high-heeled footsteps and take over the business. When she learns that Sarah is planning to marry a young man Victoria considers entirely unsuitable, however, Victoria sets out to make sure Sarah will never want to marry him... by turning him into a woman.

This is the first of two books.

November 2013 No. 1 Best Seller in Transgender Erotica at Amazon!

Feminized Fiancé, Part Two: Serving His Fiancée

Rick is now trapped in a rigged bet with the powerful Victoria Martin. Rick must win his fiancée back to regain his freedom or he’ll be trapped as Victoria’s sissy maid forever! Complicating Rick’s plight, Victoria is forcing him to masquerade as his fiancée’s personal maid ‘Sissy’, and he can’t tell her who he really is. But does she already know?

This book concludes the series.

January 2014 and February 2014 No. 1 Best Seller in Transgender Erotica at Amazon!

Feminizing Her Husband (Or How Megan Avoided Pregnancy) (Part One)

Megan and Mark have a problem. Mark wants a baby, but Megan does not. When Mark issues an ultimatum to his wife demanding a baby, she counters by demanding that he dress as a woman for nine months before she will agree to get pregnant. Naturally, she assumes her macho husband will never agree. Imagine her surprise when he does. What follows is a cat and mouse game as each tries to trick the other into giving up, with an end result that neither of them expected.

This is Part One of two. This part deals with how everything begins as Megan and Mark try to scare and humiliate each other into giving up.

May 2016 No. 1 Best Seller in Transgender Erotica at Amazon!

Feminizing Her Husband (Or How Megan Got Pregnant) (Part Two)

Things are changing fast now as Mark begins to ‘grow’ into the role of ‘Princess.’ But Mark isn’t the only one changing. Megan is about to undergo a major change too. Will Mark get the baby he wants? Will he escape with his masculinity intact? Does Megan want to let him?

This Part concludes the story.

June 2016 No. 1 Best Seller in Transgender Erotica at Amazon!

Grounded in Heels

When Sam’s stepmother discovered the perfect way to keep her adult stepson out of trouble, she unknowingly put him at the mercy of his worst enemy... his vengeful adult stepsister Diane. Now Diane has plans to make sure he never escapes. Can Sam find a way to save himself or will his summer in heels become a lifetime sentence?

April 2013 and December 2015 No. 1 Best Seller in Transgender Erotica at Amazon!

Grounded In Heels (Part Two: Back To School)

With Sam’s stepmother forcing Sam to return to school as ‘Samantha’ until she can find a way to undo the feminine changes Diane has done to his body, Sam must learn to deal with being a young woman surrounded by the people who knew him as Sam. Can he keep his secret? Even worse, Sam still finds himself under the absolutely power of his vengeful stepsister Diane, who has plans for the helpless feminized Sam and is determined to humiliate him and to make his time in heels permanent. But her plans might now work out so well this time.

December 2015 and January 2016 No. 1 Best Seller in Transgender Erotica at Amazon!

Her High-Heeled Solution

John’s wife Suzie wrongly thinks she’s caught her husband having an affair. With the help of a friend, she comes up with an ingenious way to guarantee that John will never have another affair: she locks him into a pair of high heels. This simple solution goes wrong, however, as husband and wife both try to outwit each other. Soon events are spinning out of control. What’s more, standing in the middle of all of this is Crystal, Suzie’s best friend, who is having a grand time manipulating them both to make sure John gets slowly feminized.

November 2015 and December 2015 No. 1 Best Seller in Transgender Erotica at Amazon!

Humiliation At The Office

For too long, corporate hotshot Andrew Boden treated the women of the office like sex objects. Now his secretary is out to settle the score as she slowly feminizes him and traps him in an inescapable web of femininity and humiliation. Little by little, Andrew loses his power, his freedom, and his masculinity, and everyone at the office is noticing.

March 2012 No. 1 Best Seller in Transgender Erotica at Amazon!

The Making of Danielle (Part One)

This is my take on a very classic idea that comes up often in our genre: the idea of the young man transformed by an evil “Aunt.” Daniel is an unruly young man who fights constantly with his stepmother. To end the fighting once and for all, his stepmother sends Daniel to an Aunt he’s never met who will teach him discipline. Imagine his surprise when he finds himself put into skirts and he is trained to become a girl.

November 2016 No. 1 Best Seller in Transgender Erotica at Amazon!

The Making of Danielle (Part Two: Through Summer)

As our story continues, Daniel finds himself stuck at Charlotte’s manor until the end of summer. Charlotte’s training is having an effect too. Daniel’s walk is changing. His mannerism are changing. Even his way of thinking is changing. And there doesn’t seem to be anything he can do about it! How much farther down the path to becoming ‘Danielle’ will he be before the summer ends?

This is Part Two of the series.

December 2016 No. 1 Best Seller in Transgender Erotica at Amazon!

The Making of Danielle (Part Three: Through Summer)

With his hopes of going home at the end of summer dashed, Daniel must now navigate his way through an all-girl’s school as ‘Danielle’. If he succeeds, he will be free to return to being Daniel at the end of the year, but how much more will he change in the meantime?

This is Part Three of the series.

December 2016 No. 1 Best Seller in Transgender Erotica at Amazon!

The Making of Danielle (Part Four: Too Far To Go Back?)

Having decided to get implants to help him hide better as Danielle, Daniel must now deal with the consequences. Has he gone too far to go back now? He must also ask himself if Charlotte really intends to let him return to being Daniel when his schooling is finished.

This is Part Four of the series.

January 2017 No. 1 Best Seller in Transgender Erotica at Amazon!

The Making of Danielle (Part Five: The End for Daniel)

Daniel has come to the end of his story. His future hangs in the balance on every decision he makes now. Will Colleen and Hailey catch him? Will Charlotte let him go? Can he escape his feminine fate? Does he want to?

This is Part Five, the final part of the series.

February 2017 and March 2017 No. 1 Best Seller in Transgender Erotica at Amazon!

The Miss-ing Billionaire

Reporter Martin Ward has uncovered an incredible story. The billionaire founder of Ing Co. is missing, and Martin’s source tells him the billionaire’s new wife is behind it. Unfortunately, the only way Martin can investigate this story is to disguise himself as a woman. Can he do it? Should he do it?

August 2016 Best Seller in Transgender Erotica at Amazon UK!

More Than He Bargained For

Jeff wanted to change his wife. He wanted her to be more adventurous in the bedroom, so he took a long shot on some hypnosis tapes. Only, she found out what he was doing. That’s when she decided to teach him a lesson he would never forget by giving him exactly what he wants and so much more. His life at home and at the office will never be the same. (This includes the alternate cuckold ending as a bonus.)

March 2013 No. 1 Best Seller in Transgender Erotica at Amazon!

Satin Falls (Part One)

Satin Falls is the story of a small mountain town where the males slowly lose their ability to resist any command given by the females after an unknown virus infects the water supply.

Guiding the women in how to handle this is a psychiatrist with a grudge against the masculine half of the human race. She decides to get her revenge against malekind by encouraging the women of Satin Falls to feminize their helpless males. Unfortunately, the only person who can stop her, her former female lover who is now set to marry a man who would rather be the one wearing the dress at their wedding, may not want to stop her.

Part One of this story follows several couples as their lives change in this brave new world of silk and high heels and female domination as the men slowly sink into feminization as their chances of being rescued hang by the well-manicured fingertips of one young woman.

July 2015 and August 2015 No. 1 Best Seller in Transgender Erotica at Amazon!

Satin Falls (Part Two)

With all the men of Satin Falls now infected by a virus that causes them to lose their ability to resist any command given by any woman, the women of Satin Falls take over. Following Dr. Melanie Morgan’s plan, the women remove the men from positions of authority and then feminize them for their own good. Unfortunately, none of them yet suspects what Melanie is really up to.

Meanwhile, the only two people who can stop Melanie, her former lover Sidney and Sidney’s sister Amber, are about to find their own desires to stop Melanie severely tested by the temptation of having total control over the men in their own lives, particularly Sidney’s boss.

This book concludes the series.

August 2015 No. 1 Best Seller in Transgender Erotica at Amazon!

Two Weeks As His Wife’s Feminized Submissive

Paul Wallace is a powerful man. But Paul has a secret. While Paul appears to be a man in charge, his wife Amanda really holds the power. What’s more, for two weeks every year, Amanda turns Paul into Paula, her feminized, submissive plaything... and he loves it.

The Writer’s Secret

Loren had no idea what he was getting into when his agent suggested he write transvestite fiction. Nor did he realize how eagerly his wife Stephanie would embrace the idea of feminizing her husband. How far would they go?

March 2012 and October 2015 No. 1 Best Seller in Transgender Erotica at Amazon!

The Writer’s Secret (Part Two: Blackmailed Sissy)

As Loren continues to adjust to living as a woman, his life becomes complicated when a young relative of Stephanie’s comes to stay with them. This seemingly sweet and naive young woman turns out to have an unexpected dark side, and a penchant for blackmail. At the same time, Stephanie faces a boss who demands that she sleep with him if she wants to keep her job. How will Loren and Stephanie get out of these messes?

September 2015 and October 2015 No. 1 Best Seller in Transgender Erotica at Amazon!

More to come!!